While I'm getting ready to start my internship and battling with my bachelor thesis paper I've decided that maybe it is time to get started on some 3D again. It is nice to have something else to do when writing is becoming too much of a nuisance. So it should just be a little and simple task just to get me started, and even though I have lost of interesting ideas lying around maybe they would require too much work from what is just thought as a little "break-project".
So I've started modelling a scooter. My mom won a pink scooter in a local supermarket this summer, so I thought well why not....right now I not really sure what exactly I'm going for, at this point it is a mix of several different pics found online, mainly vintage vespas, but I might try to push it a bit more making it more toony.
- work in progress of the (pink) scooter I'm currently working on -